The shampoo of the psoriasis: the most effective way to wash the head

Psoriasis in the head usually does not damage hair, but it is unbearable itching. Due to scratching of the papules, the patient hurt the cover, and in their place appear new elements. In order to avoid the worsening of the symptoms of the disease, doctors prescribe special shampoos. These funds have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal properties.

the shampoo for psoriasis

The types of shampoos psoriasis

If the course of the disease is serious, the plates being dense, covered with a crust, spread around the head. The lesions appear in the line of the hair. The articles can go on the forehead and the ears. The main problem with this disease is cosmetic defects in the form of flaking, causing social unrest. Even more serious problem for the patient may become unbearable itching.

Many topical remedies phototherapy or ineffective for psoriasis of the scalp: the hair to avoid the contact of medicinal substances with injuries.

The skin of the head needs more gentle care. Pick shampoos based on products having the following steps:

  • eliminate the pain;
  • soften;
  • reduce the inflammation;
  • get rid of the fungus.

What shampoo to wash the hair for psoriasis? The most popular and recognized type of shampoos are listed below:

  • tar;
  • antifungals;
  • treatment with medicines;
  • aesthetics;
  • baby;
  • hormonal.

Before application it is necessary to study composition. In conventional shampoos is sodium lauryl with high dermatological stiffness. Worsens the inflammation, the destruction of the protection of the cover. Aromas, colourings, preservatives can cause irritation and allergies, which, when the pathology is valid.

The best option for a patient with psoriasis any hypoallergenic products with emollient components — Glyceryl oleate, Cocoamid DEA, sodium Concentration Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate and others. This is usually a special neutral or baby shampoo.

The most effective substance for these products: coal tar, salicylic acid, plant extracts, natural oils.

Medicated shampoos

Therapeutic shampoos psoriasis contain components that help eliminate the symptoms of the disease (zinc, Ichthyol, salicylic acid).

Also, effective products with zinc (form zinc with antifungal properties and antibacterial). The substance is able to slow down the production of skin cells, minimize the appearance of flaking and itching. Zinc pyrithione is one of the safest components of therapeutic shampoos, as it has fewer side effects and does not hurt the hair. It can be applied in the periods of remission to prevent, but only with a prescription.

Tar shampoos

Tar shampoo for psoriasis is a very effective and low cost medium. But some patients may "opt out" because of the pigmentation of the skin, hair and pungent smell. The composition contains birch, pine and juniper tar. Active substances get a bad cover, remove all the disturbing symptoms: burning sensation, peeling, itching. Shampoos come in different concentrations: 1% -20%. They are usually used two times a week. Tar shampoos are less effective than hormonal or medical side effects and spontaneous recurrence of the pathology, the patients reported less after the application.

Tar suppresses DNA synthesis of the cells, correct the defect of differentiation of the keratinocytes in patients with psoriasis, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect.

Antifungal shampoos

The effect of the shampoos with antifungal effect tends not to be directed directly to get rid of psoriasis. But yeasts (especially of the genus Candida, Malassezia can grow and become one of the precipitating factors of the disease due to the inflammation and trauma cover.

These shampoos successfully fight the fungal infection. A very effective complex of fungi and local corticosteroids. Antifungal products for psoriasis on head include:

  • zinc pyrithione, sulphur of selenium, propylene glycol;
  • the azoles;

Hormonal shampoos for psoriasis

Hormonal shampoos reduce inflammation and itching, and narrows the blood vessels. Positive results come quickly, the side-effects when applied correctly almost never occur. But the use of these funds should be of not more than four weeks.

hormonal shampoo

The most effective propionate 0.05% and betamethasone dipropionate 0.05 percent. Belong to the group of strong and effective steroid with a high risk of side effects.

Baby shampoos

In foods from psoriasis for kids any content, aromas, dyes, harmful components. In a good children's shampoo are the only healing nutrients that have the greatest positive impact on the scalp baby with the symptoms of psoriasis.

Effective shampoo of psoriasis can be prescribed by a specialist. Incorrect treatment will lead to multiple recurrences and complications.